This Funny Cat page came about after the Funny Dog page.
I thought that I better let cat lovers have a laugh as well.
I came across some cat definitions one day but didn't know exactly how to present them for your enjoyment. Should I make a cartoon out of each definition or just list them on a page?
I initially thought that I would do individual comics but quickly realized that it would take hours to construct them, so I've compromised (sort of).
I've decided not to do any comics! (OK, so it wasn't much of a compromise, I basically wimped out of all the work!)
Anyway, the cats like the "daffynitions", maybe you will too?
How do I know the cats like them? Well, here's one of my furry fans (below) trying to get an autographed picture of me.
Aquarium: interactive television for cats.
Cataclysm: any great upheaval in a cat's life.
Catatonic: a feline medicinal drink.
Caterpillar: a soft scratching post for a cat.
Cat Scan: to look for a new cat.
Dog: a cat's device for running practice.
Door: something a cat always wants to be on the other side of.
Energy: the element of vitality cats always have an oversupply of until you try to play with them.
Human: an automatic door opener for cats.
Impurrsonate: to act like the cat.
Purrade: an organized march of cats.
Purradise: the garden of cats.
Purramour: a cat lover.
Purranoia: the fear that your cat is up to something.
Purranormal: A really weird cat.
Purraphernalia: a cat's personal belongings.
Purrch: any favored feline napping spot.
Purrchase: anything bought for a cat.
Purrdy: how a southern person describes their cat (from Sharon)
Purrfume: the scent of an open can of tuna.
Purrgatory: a houseful of kittens.
Purrmission: a feline hunting expedition.
Purrpetual: everlasting feline love.
Purrplex: a house with two or more cats.
Purrson: a male kitten.
Purrsuit: the garment your shedding cat rubs against just as you are leaving home to go to an important meeting.
Purrverse: a poem about a wicked kitty.
Tuner: sonar-like device in cat food that causes cats to appear.
Yawn: a cat's honest opinion openly expressed.
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Please note that the "What's New?" section below is updated whenever something I think is funny comes along, therefore some of these "New" blogs further down the page may already have been replaced by the time you click on them!
Mar 04, 24 12:00 AM
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Mar 03, 23 12:00 AM
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Oct 24, 21 12:00 AM
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